Pricing Policy
Price Estimation
Once you decide to have Dr. Nond perform the surgery, only the hospital you choose will make an official price estimate based on surgery duration, medical instruments, medications, medical supplies, and the medical team's compensation.
The estimate includes:
- Medical Team Compensation including the surgeon, surgical assistants, and anesthesiologist.
- Hospital Service Fees varying based on the actual surgery time, medical instruments, medications, and medical supplies used, and the number of hospital stay days.
Quality-based Surgery Pricing Approach
Professor Dr. Nond Rojvachiranond follows the principle of performing surgery with the utmost precision and suitability for each individual, aiming for a natural look. However, due to the varying initial structural issues or problems of each patient, the difficulty varies, and thus, each surgery case is different. Even for the same type of surgery, the operative time varies, which is why there is no fixed package price for each type of surgery, despite it being a popular method in the beauty industry.
Financial-based Surgery Pricing Approach
When a fixed price is set for each surgery, it indicates that care is based on financial considerations.
From the patient's side, the main concern is money. Patients feel comfortable knowing exactly how much they need to prepare. However, many might overlook certain truths about quality.
The truth is that the service provider also mainly considers money. The surgery cost consists of two main parts: the doctor's compensation (including the anesthesiologist and surgical assistants) and the hospital or clinic operation costs.
When a fixed price is set for a surgery, the service provider must have calculated the profit and loss. They have costs for compensation, operating room, medications, and medical supplies for that surgery. The hospital or clinic will not allow the use of more medications and supplies than planned and will set a surgery price that ensures a profit.
However, nothing is certain. If there are any reasons to extend the surgery duration or use more medications and supplies than planned, such as providing more painkillers or anti-nausea medication (individuals have different sensitivities to pain and medications), using unlisted medications to treat complications, or using supplies to address unexpected problems, the treating doctor and service provider might hesitate to do the best for the patient, fearing reduced profit.
Additionally, the price war in the beauty industry still exists. Service providers may choose low-cost medications and supplies to maximize profit, which may compromise quality.