FAQ - Ask Before Surgery
Your Questions, Answered: Insights from almost 30 Years in Plastic Surgery Practice
Welcome to the dedicated section where I address the thoughts you might have leading up to your surgery. Drawing from a wealth of experience spanning more than two decades in plastic surgery, I've curated a selection of commonly asked questions to provide you with comprehensive guidance during this crucial phase.
As you anticipate your upcoming surgical procedure, it's natural to have questions and concerns. My goal is to alleviate any uncertainty by offering informative answers that stem from my extensive practice. I've organized these questions to cover the key aspects of pre-surgery preparation.
Feel free to navigate through the categories below, tailored to your convenience. If you come across a question that's not answered here, remember that I am here to support you. Your peace of mind and well-being are my top priorities, and I'm committed to ensuring you're well-informed and confident as you approach your surgical journey.
Last updated - January 19, 2024