As a Doctor
Dr. Nond is a contemporary physician
Dr. Nond was trained as an old-school doctor who can diagnose diseases with minimal special examinations, making treatment decisions based on symptoms (history taking) and clinical signs (physical examination), looking at x-ray films on the light box, and performing various surgeries ranging from excising lumps, breast lumps, piercing ears for earrings, performing normal deliveries, forceps deliveries, vacuum deliveries, male and female sterilization, appendectomy, cesarean section, spinal block for lower body anesthesia, and general anesthesia with injectable or intubation. Nowadays, many modern special investigations are available and things are done on computers, including viewing X-ray results on the computer screen, unlike newer-generation doctors who graduate and can hardly perform any procedures due to changes in the education system and public health system, and must refer most cases to specialists.
Dr. Nond has no reviews
Dr. Nond studied medicine at the top medical school in the country and graduated during the transition period from the era when doctors were prohibited from advertising or soliciting patients to their services (because it violated the Medical Council regulations, which still exist today) and were strictly taught to maintain complete ethics, to the current era where medicine has become a business and many doctors advertise and market their services extensively. However, being an old-school doctor, you won't see advertisements for Dr. Nond's practice on social media, and there are no reviews, nor has he ever paid commissions to anyone for bringing patients in. The only thing that has been done for a long time, before many others, since 2009, is this website.
Dr. Nond has been in the academic field
Despite being an old-school doctor by nature, Dr. Nond has not fallen behind in any aspect. At the beginning of his residency training to become a plastic surgeon, he was appointed as a staff in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. Throughout his career, he has been in the academic field, at the top medical school where everyone aspires to study, with constant teaching and academic activities. He was the first to introduce resorbable plates and screws, Endotine and Goretex, to Thailand and the first in the country to perform endoscopic brow lift and endoscopic face lift, performing open rhinoplasty (commonly known today as open nose surgery) on cleft lip patients and for aesthetic purposes on international patients since 2001, long before it became popular in Thailand.