Fake users with lying posts
One should not believe 100% in what is on the internet. This is what I experience by myself. He is Nick who, at the end, wanted to have free surgery. He asked for money!

On, there is at least one user named Clair84 who is actually a man posting false messages to tarnish my career. He also registers on other websites and forums under different names. It is easy to notice because all these activities occurred in December 2013.
How do I know? Why is he angry at me? Please read this comprehensive story to understand the full context and ensure fairness for everyone.
He started his first contact to me on May 14, 2013 as seen below.
Sawasde Krup Dr Nond,
I have been refereed your details by a hair transplant surgeon who says your one of the best. I have to say, your reviews, experience and education are impressive.
I will be coming to Thailand on the 23rd June 2013 for about 2-3 months for some rest and a little plastic surgery obviously. I would ideally like a surgical date with 10 days of arrival but I would like to meet you first so we are both comfortable with the procedures.
In March 2010 I had a transcutaneous lower eyelid surgery done by ………………………. in Phuket (I had hereditary fat eyelids), The initial surgery left uneven fat pads and a slightly lower right eye lid so I went back and he revised it August 2010. Unfortunately 1 year later the eyelids had not settled symmetrically and one eyelid was fuller than the other and I was also left with quite bad scaring around the eyelids so I consulted with an oculoplastic surgeon in Auckland, New Zealand. He performed a hard palate graft from the roof of my mouth to the inner eyelid to lift the eyelid and a bilateral canthopexy to attempt to remove the rounded canthus and some scar revision. The end result was not so good. My surgeon said too much skin had been removed and the pulling down of my cheeks had stretched the scars and the corners of my eyelids. He recommend a check lift.
This is why I am consulting you. I know too many operations have been performed on my eyes and that improvement of a cheek lift may be average at best. However I would like a check lift to help improve the contour (tear trough) of my lower eyelids and to hide the slightly fuller eyelid. Also to improve the canthus angle by pulling my checks up and across and stop the sensation / feeling of the pulling down of my eyelids. Ever since the last surgery I get very dry eyes and have slight ectropion, if I push my cheeks up with my hands even by 1/2 cm, my eyelids feel normal. I understand the best approach considering my eyelid history will be through the temple / mouth.
I also have slowly been eveloping gynocomastia under both nipples since i was 24. I take finasteride for my hair and been off and on steroid cycles as I do a lot of weight training and fitness. I would like a gyno reduction under my nipples, its not pseudo-gyno, its just the rubbery tissue directly under and surrounding my nipples which is total about 5-6cm in a circle directly under the nipple. I have not attached any photos as I thought it best to see you in person about this.
I also have some small scars on my arms, which did not form well and I would like them revised as well if possible.
I am also interested to know what you think about a nose reshape? I broke it 3 times playing rugby when I was a teenager, I may as well have it straightened while I am in Bangkok.
As I said ill be in Bangkok on the 23rd June, if we can schedule a consult that would be great or if you would like to Skype I am also free any time you are.
NOTE: my right eyelid looks quite red, its been 9 months since my last surgery but the surgeon injected some steroid in to it and its been red ever since, he thinks it burst vessels.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Due to many emails in my inbox, I saw his email after one week later. My first reply was on May 22, 2013.
Just to say your letter is a very long one, and I will reply you as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
After my initial response, he quickly replied and sometimes emailed multiple times a day or within a few days. We discussed consultation and surgery dates for a while. However, I felt that his lower eyelids, cheeks, and the surrounding areas were in such a complex state that improving them would be challenging. My teachers often advised their students to be extremely cautious with revision cases, and I also teach my residents the same. Therefore, I informed him that I would not be able to perform the requested cheek lift.
Subject: Re: New patient - Male - 29yo - cheek lift / slight gynocomastia reduction
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:49:13 +0700
To: n??, n????
Dear Mr. Nick,
I have just reviewed your emails again. I think I will not do the cheek lift as it might ruin the previous work on the lower eyelids which are already having problem. I myself do not feel confident that I can improve your lower eyelid condition.
Subcutaneous mastectomy for the gynecomastia, mole removal and scar revision are more comfortable for me to do. However you never email me photos of those areas.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
He quickly responded with 5 emails.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: RE: New patient - Male - 29yo - cheek lift / slight gynocomastia reduction
Date: July 12, 2556 BE at 2:45:54 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr Nond,
The cheek lift is what I am really concerntrating on as my eyelids always feel like they are pulling down. Can I meet with you in person to discuss it still on the 18th ? The purpose of the cheek lift is to give more support to the lower eye lid region and tear trough. I was initially thinking the incisions would be in my mouth and at my temple. I would not proceed with the gynocomastia if the cheek lift is not proceeded with as I want it all done with one surgery. I know the cosmetic result will not be even close to perfect but its the pulling down feeling I want to remove. Please advise if you still want to meet with me or not.
From: Nick. <n??>
Subject: Re: New patient - Male - 29yo - cheek lift / slight gynocomastia reduction
Date: July 12, 2556 BE at 4:45:09 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
I would also look at cheek implant / fat transfer or hyalouronic acid injection to add some fullness to my tear trough and support my eyelids. The eyelids have actually improved since I sent you photos, I will send you new photos shortly.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: RE: New patient - Male - 29yo - cheek lift / slight gynocomastia reduction
Date: July 13, 2556 BE at 6:56:55 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
Can you please let me know if we can still meet on the 18th to discuss cheek implant / filler injection & gynocomastia reduction. I am happy to pay for your time, I greatly value your opinion. You are said to be the best maxillofacial surgeon in Thailand and if a mid face lift is not possible I would like your opinion why not and if filler can help give me back some fullness to my tear trough.
If you would not like to take me on for a consult I respect that decesion as I am a difficult case, but I will go down to Phuket to stay for a few months if you cant meet with me.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Prices for surgery
Date: July 22, 2556 BE at 11:03:48 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
I know its a public holiday today so your probably relaxing, but if you get a chance tomorrow can you kindly send me the prices for the surgery.
I am reconfirming Monday 26th at 4pm at St Louis Hospital for surgery.
May i have your account details for payment please or would there be a discount for cash ? either or is fine for me.
Thanks and regards,
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Re: New patient - Male - 29yo - cheek lift / slight gynocomastia reduction
Date: July 25, 2556 BE at 8:06:10 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
I do not mean to pressure you but it would be very helpful to know the prices for the surgery on the 26th August.
Cheek lift
Eye lid corner correction
Nippple fat reduction
Nose reshaping
Scar on arm reduction
Depending on the price I may only be able to afford 3-4 of the procedures, I don't know how it works for multiple surgeries and costing.
Kind Regards,
After many emails, we finally agreed on discussing about some procedures at the consultation. They are:
- 5 scar revisions and panniculectomy (breast contouring) (local anesthesia), followed by
- cheek lift, lateral canthoplasty (correction of round lateral eye corners), closed rhinoplasty (general anesthesia)
At the consultation on July 18, 2013, I still did not want to do the cheek lift but could not withstand his begging.
He had limited budget and tried to cut everything down, e.g. would use his own garment, willing to have mastectomy done under local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, wanted to save cost by doing only one side of the nose (which is not possible)! With multiple changings, he eventually decided to have revision of several scars, nevus excision, subcutaneous mastectomy, lateral canthoplasty and cheek lift.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Re: Prices for surgery
Date: July 30, 2556 BE at 1:25:36 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr Nond,
I will go with the full recommendation. 285,000 baht.
I will also need to know approx the other costs involved? Is there a way to make it cheaper? 1 night in hospital e.t.c ?
I will need your payment information.
I will be at St Louis at 4pm on the 25th August.
At the surgery, there was thick scar contracture outside the lateral canthal area which caused round outer eye corners. I did my best to eliminate the scars without realizing that it later caused lower eyelid ectropion. All other procedures went well without any problem. We met for postoperative follow-ups and stitch removal on Sep 1 and 8, 2013 at Bumrungrad hospital. This can be easily proved by checking with the hospital record.
The unexpected ectropion was later corrected by a small touch-up surgery done under local anesthesia on Sep 27, 2013. But before this second surgery, he started to show his aggressiveness.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: RE: Next surgery date ?
Date: September 27, 2556 BE at 2:45:28 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
I accept your explanation. I was upset about an number of personal matters when I wrote the email, I accept 15,000 baht is heavily discounted relative to your normal fees and I agree with your hypothesis.
I hope you do not exclude patients in the future who need a skilled surgeon to fix an inexperienced surgeons mistake.
Ill see you at 3:30 and we can further discuss.
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:09:36 +0700
To: n??
Hi N.,
Thank you for the payment.
As you know, the advanced payment is just the way I and my team can be sure that patient is coming for the surgery. Everyone's time is valuable.
In fact I do not think the total cost is going to be 15,000 Baht and plan to give as much discount as possible for the lower eyelid problem after the first surgery. But with your sentence stating "Not really sure if I should be paying for this please see before and after", I feel very unhappy for realizing that you are blaming me for this.
In my training I was taught not to do revisional surgery unless it is extremely necessary. At present I am also teaching my residents not to do it too. At our first consultation prior to the first surgery, I felt that you were a very reasonable person with realistic expectation. I therefore agreed to do the cheek lift even with my previous refusal not to touch your lower eyelid problem. Unexpectedly this was followed by your request for correction of the scar contracture at the lateral canthi.
Now with the eyelid problem, my hypothesis is that the lower eyelids lost the lateral support after the scarring was removed from the lateral canthal area and this is why I think a lower lid lift from that area should be the best solution.
In my understanding, I was not precognitive to know your lower lids would sag down a lot even with the cheek lift which had been successful in supporting the lower lid problem in the past. You also have to understand that your lower eyelids were already ruined by someone else and it is not possible for anyone to always get good result without a problem after another surgery of the severely destroyed anatomy.
With this experience, I will never ever have sympathy and do revisional surgery for anyone again in the future.
The earliest I can arrive at St. Louis tomorrow is 3:30PM. We can meet and talk at the Surgery Outpatient department. If you do not agree with my above explanation, I will not do more surgery and return 15,000 Baht. But if you agree and understand, I can do the surgery for you but around 6:30PM after another case.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
On Sep 27, 2013, we met prior to the surgery. He said he was sorry for sending that email to me. He accepted my hypothesis of how the ectropion problem happened.
After the second surgery, we met for the last time on Oct 2, 2013 before he flew back home. The lower eyelids stayed in good position. He said he was happy with the result, including the breasts, lower eyelids, cheeks and the scars on the arms.
On Oct 2, 2013, he emailed 2 times for summary of the surgery while I was in Europe and could not have internet access.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: RE: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 2, 2556 BE at 12:19:39 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
I need a detailed summary of the work done and any extra notes in case I want to have any future surgery, it would be helpful for the future surgeon, just as if I had provided you with the notes from my prior surgeries we could have done the cheek lift and eyelid lift all in one go.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 7, 2556 BE at 10:13:54 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
I am still waiting on your notes for both surgeries. If I have any future surgery the surgeon will need to know what you have done, we could have done it all in 1 surgery if you had the notes my of last surgeon. This was my mistake.
Many Thanks,
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 7, 2556 BE at 9:24:21 PM GMT+7
To: Nick <n??>
I'm in Austria. Will do it as soon as possible, Nick
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Surgical Summary
Date: October 14, 2556 BE at 3:37:18 AM GMT+7
To: "" <>
Hi Dr,
This is the 4th request in writing for a summary of surgical procedures carried out on the 26th August and 27th Sept. This will be the last direct request I make.
Unfortunately my lower eyelids have about 2-3mm of asymmetry and my nipples still have large glands underneath. I will require a skin graft and revision breast reduction at some point but I wont be rushing in to anything for 6 months though to see how it heals.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Compliant
Date: October 17, 2556 BE at 2:58:51 PM GMT+7
To: "" <>
Well is a shame it had to come this.
I have made a complaint to in Thai language to:
Thai Medical Council
St Louis Hospital
I will also be blogging on the plastic surgery websites I came across you as to let people know how unprofessional your post surgical service is, I am also not convinced your a adequate surgeon. In fact your a hack, the Bangkok butcher should be your name.
You will be hearing from me.
On Oct 17, 2013, I was back from Europe and spent a couple of hours to reply to many emails in my inbox. I did not see all of his previous emails and emailed him on Oct 17, 2013 the operative note as requested.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 17, 2556 BE at 3:18:08 PM GMT+7
To: Nick <n??>
Hi N.,
Sorry for my delay.
I have just come back from Austra and resumed my busy work as usual.
I have just reached your email after spending hours of replying to more than 100 emails in my inbox.
I will send my operative notes to you in the following email.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 17, 2556 BE at 3:25:20 PM GMT+7
To: Nick <n??>
Hi N.,
Here is the operative notes of both surgery. I hope it is ok for you.
Surgery date - 26th August 2013
- widening and hypopigmented circular scars (rt epicondylar, rt arm, rt deltoid, lt deltoid, lt arm)
- seborrheic keratosis? at left lateral neck
- nevus at right scapula
- arm and back skin is tight
- small breast glands, mostly fat
- cheek soft tissue is very thin
- surgical scars at the lower lids, quite messy at the lateral canthal area
- scar contracture band over the hidden lateral canthus/ left side has a small web
- scarring inside the lower lid -> no normal plane
- LA to excise the 5 scars and 2 lesions
- wounds were closed with PDS 4/0, dermalon 6/0
- LA to excise the breast gland and fat
- patient marked the area to be removed by himself (horizontally elliptical shape around the nipple)
- lower half periareolar incision
- remove the gland and fat by cautery
- the wounds were closed with PGA 5/0, dermalon 6/0
- pressure dressing with gauze, elastic bandages and his compression shirt (a bit loose)
- GA subciliary incision
- on the right side, lateral extension of the incision was zig zag to cover the scar contracture band
- release the scar into just before the lateral canthus
- expose the inferior orbital rim and zygoma
- lift the cheek soft tissue off the bone
- release the lower cheek (gum area) from surrounding soft tissue attachment
- use Ethilon 3/0 to lift, running -> a drill hole at the lower lateral orbital rim
- excellent tissue lifting was seen
- rotate inferior wound edge to correct the scar contracture on the lateral canthal area
Surgery date - 27th September 2013
- sagging of the lower eyelids off the globe by the gravity (normal position when lying down)
- lateral canthal scars from the previous surgery heal very well
- left lower lid is slightly lower than the right
- local anesthesia
- wedge excision of the lateral most portion of the lower lid just before the lateral canthus, more excision on the left side
- vicryl 5/0 tarsal suturing
- vicryl 5/0 x 2 on lid margin
- excellent eyelid lifting was evidenced
- nylon 6/0 running of the lateral wounds
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
He continued showing his real personality. He expected everyone must answer his questions and responded to him immediately.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: RE: Next surgery date ?
Date: October 18, 2556 BE at 3:28:20 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
perfect thank you, I held off making any complaints in case you were motivated to respond to my request. I will take this to my ocular surgeon to see if any improvement can be made. I don't blame you for the eyelid problem because your right, it was a mess.
I am disappointed that I still have glands under my nipple. I suspect I will have to find another surgeon to revise the operation.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Healing issue (right cheek)
Date: November 4, 2556 BE at 7:39:20 AM GMT+7
To: "" <>
Hi Dr,
I am having trouble healing on the right cheek. Visually it appears lower than the left ( I am very happy with the position of the left cheek and eyelid). I am experiencing moderate pain constantly without wearing tape, its a pulling down feeling starting at the canthus/eyelid and lowering to my lower cheek. The pulling effect is also affecting my eye, its red most of the time and feels irritated, like having a hair in your eye.
Obviously I try and wear tape as much as possible but I cant wear it at work or going out obviously, so by the time I come home I am considerably uncomfortable and have to apply eye drops and lie down.
Can you look at the pictures and make a recommendation?
Thanks and kind Regards,
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Healing issue (right cheek) 2nd email
Date: November 10, 2556 BE at 5:58:50 AM GMT+7
To: "" <>
Dr Nond,
I am quite concerned that you have not responded to my last email dated Monday the 4th November. I am in sever discomfort in my right cheek / eyelid and you don't seem bothered enough to respond with a suggestion or recommendation.
I know you very busy Dr but in my opinion your overworked, you don't spend enough time with each patient and when issues arise with surgery you do not have the time to address them. I would have preferred to have chosen a less experienced surgeon, but a surgeon who had the time to address my concerns.
If you don't want to contact me then I will not email you again, I make enquiries direct to the governing bodies about remedying my healing issues.
Kind Regards.
On Nov 19, 2013 after seeing his sequential rude emails, I responded by explaining and hoped that he would understand.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Next surgery date ?
Date: November 19, 2556 BE at 10:55:41 AM GMT+7
To: Nick <n??>
Dear Mr. Nick,
This whole story is ridiculous!
After my reply to you with the operative note on Oct 17, 2013, I soon found your rude, insulting and threatening email dated Oct 14 and 17. Even with my previous email on Oct 7 while I was traveling in Europe apologizing for not being able to send the operative note at that time, you did send those 2 emails to threaten me with rude words. How do you expect me to respond? Is a doctor considered bad, unprofessional, butcher and unresponsible with just slow email response?
With my operative note in the Oct 17 email, you now get what you want. You also said you would go to an ocular surgeon for the eyes and another surgeon for the breasts. WIth these, how do you expect a doctor whom you distrust, look down upon, threaten and use rude words to to respond????
You believe in yourself that there is still breast gland left, even though I told you more than one time that the glands were all completely removed and the palpable firmness is scarring tissue. How do you expect me to do more if you already believe otherwise? The resection of the breast tissue and amount of the breast reduction were done exactly as you indicated just prior to the operation. We did not expect the whole breasts to be completely flat by the surgery, didn't we? You even said you were very happy with the result for 2 times during postoperative follow-ups.
My choice of action at that time was not to argue with you and stay quiet as there is no point to discuss with someone who does not trust and respond unreasonably like that. I only wish you the best of healing and happiness.
Now you are back again and suddenly turn around like bipolar patients with alternating intermittent episodes of mania, anger and depression.
You are too selfish by blaming others for not satisfying your desire immediately without considering other possible factors and limitation in life. I do not sit in office for the whole day to reply everyone's email. Even before the surgery when you had not arrived in Thailand, I sometimes responded after more than a week due to my busy work. On every single page of my web site you can find my mobile phone number. Very often I cannot accept phone calls because I am operating on patients. On my CONTACT web page, I clearly state that my reply can be delayed for 1-2 week.
I am always willing to help my patients but, if it was you, how you would deal with volatile, rude and unreasonable patient who blames you and already wants to go to other doctors??
Honestly I am not afraid if you go to any governing body as threatening because I have all the facts of this story and always do my best in very high standards with ethic and your consent. I am more than certain that result of my surgery is going to be accepted as good or excellent by any expert witness.
Nonetheless, as a doctor, I can still look at you as a patient who can have emotional disturbance and will be willing to forgive and help as much as I can. But help is not possible as long as you have poor attitude and behave like a child. Please do not expect me to reply you anymore if your next email is still intimidating, rude and irrational.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
Unfortunately my explanation did not help and he still threatened me with several emails, not just to me but also the Medical Council. But I have never responded since Nov 19, 2013.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Complaint.
Date: November 19, 2556 BE at 5:03:39 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
I do not want to go to other Doctor's, I was in pain upon my arrival back to New Zealand and felt seeing the surgeon who performed my last Eyelid operation would be beneficial, he asked me to get a report of what was done so he could look at it. I was prescribed a mild painkiller and sleeping pill as I kept rolling on to my right side and waking up in pain. Thats all.
I still believe you are the most qualified surgeon in Thailand and New Zealand from my research, I also still believe you are over worked. I do not question your skill, I was concerned about your correspondence turnaround.
I did wait 2 weeks for your response which never came. The next step was to go to the governing authority. I will happily retract the complaint if you can maintain correspondence with me within your 2 week time frame.
My right cheek / lower eyelid is still very sore, visually the cheek is lower than the left, the right eyelid canthus is sore and appears not attached properly and I can feel a strong pulling down of the eyelid. The left side is perfect, no pain, good position, well healed. Do you have the pictures from my last email ?
Also on the right is the right gland which is still prominent, it feels 2/3 as large as before, I will not argue with you on this point as its not of great importance in relation to the cheek. You can see it for yourself next time we meet and tell me your opinion. The bottom line is there is an improvement.
Before I had surgery I had been in heavy weight training and taking many supplements like creatine which retains water, after surgery I stopped all training and supplements, I believe my initial opinion was reflexive of the weight and water loss, it would have been far to early to see full results of the gland reduction. I am very happy with the result of the left side.
If we are to discuss further options I would like to entertain having skin grafts over the scars bilaterally. This would obviously be a completely separate procedure we could discuss in person.
I don't know if calling me "Bipolar" "Manic" and "Depressive" is within your Hippocratic Oath. But as they say, stick and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.
If we both take anything out of this situation its that I would like you to remain in contact with me, I will email you once a fortnight with any updates and you can respond within 2 weeks with your response.
Can we agree on this ?
With regards,
From: NK <n????>
Subject: Re: Compliant against Dr Nond Rojvachiranonda
Date: November 21, 2556 BE at 5:26:17 AM GMT+7
Cc: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Thai Medical Board,
Further to my email dated 18 Novemeber, somehow Dr Nond has found out about the complaint and has sent me a very disturbing email.
This is part of the email he wrote to me discussing what he thinks about my complaint.
"Now you are back again and suddenly turn around like bipolar patients with alternating intermittent episodes of mania, anger and depression”
I would like this addressed in a legal setting. This is not legal conduct of a surgeon.
From: Nick <n??>
Subject: Hack Surgeon
Date: December 27, 2556 BE at 3:34:17 AM GMT+7
To: "" <>
Hi Hack,
I am creating a website at the moment titled "Dr Nond Hack Surgeon". It has information for people about your unethical and illegal practises. Just getting the meta descriptions and rich snippets content correct so it can easily be found it will be posted within 2 weeks. I have also dedicated $500 to google adwords so when people search for your name they will surgely find my site about you.
It seems there are some other negative reviews but I suspect you already know about that since you like to self-review.
Can I ask if you would like any special content about you in the website?
I was thinking of the header? Dr Nond "The butcher in Bangkok" or "Dr Nond an inexperienced, rude, unethical and hack surgeon"
Your treatment towards me will not go unpunished.

From: N. …...<n????>
Subject: Your new webiste:
Date: January 7, 2014 BE at 3:22:54 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
Next week I will be submitting the site and adding google ad-words and the following week I will be sending a detailed email to every plastic surgeon in Thailand explaining my story and requesting they warn other patients about your conduct.
I am proceeding with legal action.
I will keep updating this page in order to warn other doctors. People who are interested in having plastic surgery oversea should also be careful when doing research for your surgeons. In this example N. registered at some web sites as women and submitted lying posts to discredit his doctor for non-understandable reason.
Previously I would like to help him because he is my patient. But, with his actions, it is hard for me to do that.
He told me when he was in Bangkok he is computer guru. He owns a company that makes web sites. This is very true by the way he has been sending me hundred spam emails everyday, in addition to the, advertisement on Google search, fake emails, and lying posts on forums.
From: N. NZ
Subject: Search results
Date: January 18, 2014 BE at 11:06:11 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda
Search result 'Dr Nond' now on page 2.... I'm going for the number 2 position just behind your site.

From: DrNond
Subject: Liar - Cheet - Hack
Date: January 18, 2014 BE at 3:20:27 PM GMT+7
Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet Hack - Liar - Cheet (...continues in hundred lines)
Not so long later, some patients of mine who saw the posts and his web site emailed me and asked about this. After they knew about the whole story, admins of those forums were later informed and his posts (as SallD and Clarie84) were finally banned.

In my mind I still felt that he was still my patient and I might be able to help him in some way. Therefore I emailed to ask him on Jan 25, 2014
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: January 25, 2014 BE at 12:30:03 AM GMT+7
To: N. NZ <n????>
Hi N.,
How are you? How are the cheeks and eyelids? I hope they are healing well.
Up until now, I am not sure why you are angry at me and what you want. I still do not understand why you made lying posts on forums, create that slandering web site and sent me spam emails. Anyway you are my patient, please put your anger aside and let me know if there is anything I can help.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
He replied within the same day.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: January 25, 2014 BE at 3:47:42 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Dr Nond,
I have taken down the site and removed all negative reviews.
I have constant pain in my right cheek and eyelid, i cannot run, walk or do any sport with impact due to the
pain. Walking more than 1km is also not possible.
The scars you revised had remnants of suture in them after 3 months which had to be removed by a local
general surgeon at A&E since they went hypertrophic and filled with puss every 3 days (happened to 3 out of
You can argue I have posted negative reviews about you under an alias to shield my name however my argument is:
- I am in contestant pain in my right cheek
- I had to have surgery to remove suture fragments (the dissolvable sutures did not dissolve)
- You breached Dr - Patient confidentially by posting screen shots of private emails
- You breached your hypocratic oath by verbally abusing me
I am busy with work for the next 2 weeks, after that ill take some time to itemise and photograph detailed
photos about my condition and you can decide if you want to help me.
Just as a side note, I am very pleased with the left side, the cheek is clearly elevated, the ectropion I
had previously has gone. What happened to the right side, is there anything in your notes that could propose
the problem or offer a solution ?
He finally admitted that he posted those negative reviews under the fake names. I tried to answer his questions and give my best advice.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: January 26, 2014 BE at 10:59:01 PM GMT+7
To: N. NZ <n????>
Dear N.,
I wish you the best of health.
You know deep down in your heart that I was more than willing to help you from before the surgery til you flew back home. We spent so much time on discussion both in person and by phone when you were in Thailand. I had always responded to your questions until you got angry at my delay during my trip in Europe (even with my email telling you where I was). You know I stopped responding to you because of your rude and threatening emails but they did not stop me from my never-changing intention of helping you to solve the problem. So please let me know whenever I can help but please also respect each other with appropriate patience for my delayed response. Nobody can be nice to someone who is rude and threatens him all the time. You are so good at iT and you should know there are ways such as iMessage, SMS which can remind or stimulate me to get to your email if needed. In fact I am very amazed by your skill of making that web site on the top search. You are really good.
Thank you for putting down the web.
With the cheek lift, a major nerve, called the infraorbital nerve, in that area must be disturbed. This is not avoidable if the cheek is to be adequately mobilised. When a nerve recovers, it almost always causes hypersensitivity and paresthesia. I believe what you have is the nerve recovery. It can take long time and nobody knows how long it takes to complete. My question is if you find it changing or improving over time? Neurotin and nortryptyline are the medicines that can be helpful. Please take them for at least 2-3 weeks.
What color is the suture remnant?
Putting the email correspondences on my web is the only way I can protect myself from your attack. You know that. Your full name and email address are protected and your confidentiality is not breached. You however publish my full name everywhere in the public and I wonder who did the breaching. One more thing, I never abuse you verbally. I only tell the truth. On the other hand you lied to the public with obvious verbal abuse. Anyway it has become the past. I hope we understand each other better.
Again I am always willing to help you with my best ability and knowledge. I am going into a surgery now.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: February 1, 2014 BE at 10:32:49 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Hi Dr,
Its not nerve pain.
When I lie down there is no pain, and if I use my fingers to elevate my cheeks 0.5 cm the pain goes away. I can feel my cheeks pulling my eyelids down, and with every step the impact causes pain. The skin around the scars also looks like its under pressure, again when the cheek is elevated the skin rests in a normal looking position.
Looking at before and after photos there is no elevation of the right cheek, maybe slightly on the left but i was expecting a significant lift of both cheeks. If I had know it would be marginal to no lift I would not have proceeded.
I know its takes 6 months for things to settle, but after 6 months I would like to discuss a revision or refund. Assuming the pain does not go away I will need further treatment, the pain is unbearable and functioning like normal is impossible.
Let me know if you want some photos, I won’t waste my time if they are not needed for your reference.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: February 2, 2014 BE at 10:12:07 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
oh and answering your scar question, the fragments in the skin were clear, maybe a very light brown, but there were transparent. They were little bits, 2-3 pieces on each scar. I still have 2 small ones in my forearm scar that got missed by my GP who took the others out.
Obviously he has some misunderstandings.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: February 7, 2014 BE at 10:24:15 PM GMT+7
To: N. NZ <n????>
Hi N.,
Clear, light brown and transparent means the stitches are resorbable type. There were used to hold your eyelid wounds and I intentionally left them like that.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Search results
Date: February 7, 2014 BE at 10:21:32 PM GMT+7
To: N. NZ <n????>
Hi N.,
What you describe is your opinion. What you see before and after the surgery is also your feeling. I do not have to agree and you never send me follow-up photos for evaluation. From the photos I took, improvement is obvious to me.
It is not fair to say that you would not have proceeded if you knew it would be marginal to no lift. I told you clearly at our first person-to-person consultation that the cheek lift might not help with your symptoms and I did not guarantee successful result. I only shared with you that cheek lift is known to be used for ectropion problem but your situation was totally different due to several past operations. There was no ectropion when we first met but you wanted the cheek lift to alleviate the feeling of being pulled at the lower eyelids. You should also recall that I refused to do anything to the lower eyelid area early in our correspondences.
In the surgery I saw the lift, my assistant witnessed it and I was happy with the amount of lift despite severe scarring of the cheek tissue. Both cheeks were definitely lifted by the surgery and you admitted it verbally at a follow-up visit. I heard directly that you said those feeling went away. However any late change happens after the surgery is not something I can control. Moreover I do not how much different damage occurred to the cheeks after those previous operations and re-sagging of the cheeks might not happen at the same rate.
In summary I am sorry to say that refund is not possible.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
Eventually he reveals what he really wants from the beginning is money. He is once again threatening.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Website
Date: February 7, 2014 BE at 6:26:03 PM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
I see you have not taken my emails down off your website. You know this is a breach of Dr - patient confidentiality… you have clearly posted my first name and last name on your website.
I have obtained the majority Shareholders of Bumrungrad & St Louis hospitals contact details, I intend to make formal complaints from the top down to both hospitals.
I would like a refund for the cheek lift, eyelid lift and scar revisions.
From: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Subject: Re: Website
Date: February 7, 2014 BE at 10:35:54 PM GMT+7
To: N. NZ <n????>
Dear N.,
You are the person who did the breaching illegally. You are the one who put my firstname and lastname in your lying posts on several webs. You still leave lying posts at up until now.
Now you start to threaten again. It also becomes very clear to me the reason for you did all those lies on the web and forums is for money. Refund is impossible, sorry.
Best Regards,
Nond Rojvachiranonda, M.D.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Re: Website
Date: February 8, 2014 BE at 5:06:17 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
That's ok, I thought we could reach a sensible solution , we can go back to how it was before.
Goof luck being a criminal future patients will see your true colours
Sent from my Nokia 5110
In July/August 2015, Mr. N. called Dr. Nond. This time was a surprise. He said he had removed all of the slandering posts from forums including his web site which was set up specifically to ruin Dr. Nond's reputation. He also said he was trying to live in Thailand. So he does not want to have anything bad about himself appear in the internet. What he wanted was Dr. Nond to remove his name from this web page.
So his firstname is now removed from this web page and only the N initial is shown.
From: N. NZ <n????>
Subject: Website
Date: May 22, 2015 BE at 5:14:02 AM GMT+7
To: Nond Rojvachiranonda <>
Dear Dr Nond,
I have removed the website.
I am not pleased with the outcome of the scar revision, I am going to get them redone as there is still foreign material in the scars.
The cheeklift although performed well and without side effects, did not last longer than 4 weeks.
The pectoral fat removal, after 12 months was a success.
Best wishes,
He later phoned me again asking to pull off this web page. He planned to live in Thailand and wanted not to have his name in the internet for visa reason. I refused and confirmed to him his full name and email address were not shown on this page. That made him furious. He used rude words and got frenzied. After that I saw him posted on again as nadia6035 and told incomplete story to defame me. So his first name is being shown here again.