Online consultation

You can make an appointment for an online consultation with the Zoom Meeting program by contacting Dr. Nond's personal assistant through Line at 09 0887 9994 or via email.


Online consultation fees are as follows

  • online consultation 30 minutes  1,400 THB
  • online consultation 60 minutes  2,400 THB

After payment, you will be offered a date and time and a link for the online conversation

Prepare Questions and Information

Since the doctor cannot physically examine you, it is essential to prepare your questions and information before meeting the doctor, at least on the following topics

  • Send photos of the affected body part in advance - Please take photos of the problematic body part and send them to the doctor ( in advance before the consultation. Avoid selfies as they can distort the appearance of your body part
  • Check the sound and image system of your mobile or computer in advance - Please ensure that the mobile or computer you will use during the consultation has a working sound and image system and a good internet connection
  • What is your problem - What concerns you, what do you want to correct, and what body part do you dislike in what aspect
  • What are your expectations - You can bring supporting images, whether they are drawings or photos of others
  • Surgical treatments you have received - Send details and examination documents from other medical institutions to the doctor ( in advance before the consultation
  • Chronic diseases
  • Allergy history - Including medicines, food, and other substances
  • Medications you are taking - Including supplements and herbs